Friday, August 10, 2007

Interview Number Three

This is the third and final interview. The interviewee is one Miss. Pamela A; she's 17 years of age and has lived in Africa for a considerable amount of time and has also lived in Canada and the United States for extended periods.

I understand that you have lived in more than one country, can you share with us where you have lived and which one of those places you would consider your 'home'?
Pamela A: I've lived in Ghana, Brooklyn, USA and Canada and I would consider Ghana to be my home because I feel at rest when I'm there plus thats where I grew up

Afrika: Do you consider yourself to be an African, Canadian or a mix of both and why?
Pamela A: Africa! I still have my African customs...I'm just living here..thats all
Afrika: As an African living in Canada, what disadvantages are presented to you due to your status as a non-white?
Pamela A: Jobs, there was a time when I applied for a job at a clothing store and, well, there was only white workers, and after applying with my friend who was white, and had no job experience, i didn't get a call back for an interview but yet she got the job but then got fired a few weeks later. I'm sure i was more qualified and would have done a great job. I still think to this day that I didn't get it because I was black
Afrika: Do you believe that there is still racial profiling?
Pamela A: Yes, and there always will be because there are always going to be stubborn and arrogant people out there
Afrika: Being an African living in Canada,do you believe you possess more advantages than a youth in Africa?
Pamela A: I absolutely do because from my experiences living there, i came to the conclusion that even though there are eager people there who want to be educated, they cannot afford the proper education
Afrika: You have traveled and have absorbed a lot; do you see a significant difference between the lifestyles of the youths in Africa, specifically Ghana, and those in North America?
Pamela A: Of course there education. the kids here treat education like it's nothing. In Africa, getting education is a not a right but a dream!

Afrika: Why do you think youth today are running away from their heritage and absorbing only that of the Canadian society’s?
Pamela A: i think this is due to the workings of the media. The only time Africans get to shine is during black history
Afrika: What is one word you would use to describe Africans?
Pamela A: Bold! When you think Africa, we're warriors. we're not afraid to push for what is ours. we will always be fighting.
Afrika: What is one word you would use to describe North Americans?
Pamela A: I believe They are open hearted
Afrika: When you think of the name Africa, what comes to mind?
Pamela A: Development
Finally, who would you be supporting in a football match if it was between Canada and Ghana?
Pamela A: Definetly Ghana, thats a very simple answer. By the way, I believe Ghana will win the 2010 world cup in south Africa, that team really did well in Germany and I know they will only do better this time around.
Afrika: Amen to that sister.

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